Today, the Obama Administration made two major announcements on transgender rights: one by the Department of Health and Human Services to prohibit discrimination in health care under the Affordable Care Act, and another by the Departments of Education and Justice to ensure the civil rights of transgender students. Following the announcements, Stosh Cotler, CEO of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice, issued the following statement:
“The federal government’s courageous announcements are a big victory for LGBT equity that will have real impacts on the daily lives of transgender people across the country. Now, more children can go to school knowing that they will be treated with dignity and respect, and many more Americans will have access to the high-quality health care they deserve.
“As Jewish Americans, it is thrilling to see our country move in the direction of increased equality and acceptance for all. We also have a unique obligation as people of faith to condemn discrimination and stand up for the dignity of all people. North Carolina’s continued defense of its anti-transgender legislation reminds us of how far we have left to travel, and Bend the Arc will continue to speak out whenever anyone tries to roll back the important advances our country has made to become more inclusive and more equal.”
As a proud ally in the national movement for LGBT rights, Bend the Arc has organized marches and candlelight vigils and has brought the Jewish community’s strong moral voice for LGBT equality to bear in states and across the nation. The organization has also been a forceful advocate for stronger non-discrimination protections at the federal level, including supporting the policies announced today and calling on Congress to pass comprehensive LGBT equality legislation.