The budget fight just started — support our spring mobilization

The budget fight just started — support our spring mobilization

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Two people facing slightly right and holding signs reading “Detention of immigrants is a moral crisis #DefundHate” and “No one should profit from pain and suffering”

Right now, right-wing leaders are working overtime to promote fear against immigrants, using cruel policies and bigoted rhetoric in an attempt to divide us and hold onto power.

We’re responding with love and solidarity, organizing across the country to build a country that treats immigrants with humanity and respect.

Donate today to power our spring campaign to cut funding to inhumane immigration policies and make sure our elected leaders keep their promises.

Bend the Arc Jewish Action, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that engages in legislative lobbying. Contributions to support its work are not tax-deductible. Federal rules may require Bend the Arc: Jewish Action to disclose the contribution on its reports to the Federal Election Commission.

Learn more about ways to support the Bend the Arc family of organizations.

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