Download L'Cherut: Towards Freedom, your 5783 Passover Maggid

Download L'Cherut: Towards Freedom | 5783 Passover Maggid


Illustrated background with desert, water, and the erev rav (the mixed multitude), as the background. Above, there is a screenshot of the pages of our 2023 Passover Maggid.

Each Passover we retell the story of the Exodus at our seders, collecting new insights and reminding ourselves that it will take all of us, collectively, to move towards liberation.

That’s why we made this new Passover Maggid — L'Cherut: Towards Freedom — to tell one of the oldest and most important stories of our people and draw inspiration for our work ahead. After you read the Maggid at your seder, you can create your own midrash (commentary), following the Jewish tradition of making new meanings from unchanging text in Torah.

Fill out the form to receive a downloadable link to your 5783 Passover Maggid!