Jews and allies in the Hudson Valley called on Congressman John Faso to wake up and take action against white supremacy. Through local powerful action, Bend the Arc supporters around the country demanding their Representative choose a side. Will you align yourself with President Trump and his white supremacist allies, or will you join those—including people of faith and conscience in your district—who reject hatred and bigotry?
VIDEO: Jews and allies blast the shofar to wake up Rep. John Faso in NY
0:00 The video starts with Callie Mackenzie from Citizen Action in the Hudson Valley, "Tonight we are gathered to wake up John Faso. White supremacy isn't just the KKK, your policies uphold it tonight."
-48:05 Key of Q, an amazing LGBTQ and allies singing group, sings "There's Something Inside So Strong" by Labi Siffre, an openly gay black man whose work dealt with homophobia and racism. "It's a song that reminds us all to stand up for ourselves and each other."
-45:00 Jennifer Schwartz Berky, county legislator for Kingston, talks about being white, Jewish, a mother, a New Yorker, an American and why she ran for an office that is 80% male.
-41:37 Callie leads the 100+ people in a chant with amazing drum accompaniment.
"John Faso you can't hide, we can see your racist side!"
-39:25 Our very own Rachel Ackoff, Deputy Field Director at Bend the Arc, talks about the High Holy days being a time of awakening, accountability, and atonement.
-35:50 If you need more Yiddish in your life, tune in for Richard Shager singing a song about how all of us are brothers and sisters, united in love.
-32:42 Get your Kleenex and your righteous anger ready. DACA-recipient Allen from Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson talks about how he could lose everything and how he doesn't want to hide anymore.
"It's painful, depression. I want to wake up one day and not worry about racism,
not worry about being deported. I'm here and feel empowered by you guys —
but it's very hard for us. 800,000 people are going through the same thing I am.
We don't want to be a bargain chip for the wall.
I've been here 25 years, and all I need is a piece of paper."
— Allen, Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson
-22:50 tune in for a gorgeous gospel rendition of This Little Light of Mine.
-16:07 The shofar blasts! Including Rabbi Yael Romer from Temple Emanuel of Kingston.
-13:55 Callie explains why we are marching:
"Democracy doesn't work without informed participants. We need to march down to John Faso's office,
but we're going to make sure the community knows that we're not going to stand
for John Faso being silent, or just words. We're going to demand that John Faso choose a side:
With or against white supremacy.
And if he chooses the wrong side, we are going to do everything we can to get someone in office
who is going to represent us and stand up for all the people who feel threatened and scared
and in hiding because of Donald Trump and Congress.
— Callie Mackenzie, Citizen Action
- 0:40 After marching to amazing music, there is one final, powerful blast of the shofar in front of Faso's office!
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