200 Jewish Orgs in La Opinión: Our Nation is in a State of Moral Emergency

200 Jewish Orgs in La Opinión: Our Nation is in a State of Moral Emergency

July 02, 2018

July 02, 2018

Today in La Opinión, the largest Spanish-language newspaper in the United States, we published a translation of the Declaration of a State of Moral Emergency, signed by over 200 hundreds of Jewish organizations and more than 18,000 American Jews in response to the Trump administration's separation and detention of immigrant families:

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Full list of organizations and synagogues that have signed the Declaration of a State of Moral Emergency:


Adas Israel Congregation, Washington DC; Adat Chaverim, Plano, TX; Adat Chaverim Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, Los Angeles, CA; Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation, MD; Ansche Chesed, New York, NY; B'nai Jeshurun,  New York, NY; B'nai Zion Congregation, Chattanooga, TN; Beit Ahavah: The Reform Synagogue of Greater Northampton, Northampton, MA; Beth Ahava Rabba, Sugar Land, TX; Beth Ami - Colorado Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, Boulder/Denver, CO; Beth David Synagogue, Greensboro,NC;   Beth Meyer Synagogue, Raleigh, NC; Beth Shir Shalom, Santa Monica; Beyt Tikkun Synagogue-without-Walls, Berkeley, CA; Bnai Keshet, Montclair, NJ; Bolton Street Synagogue, Baltimore, MD; Central Reform Congregation, St. Louis, MO; Chochmat Halev, Berkeley, CA; Columbia Jewish Congregation, Columbia, MD; Congregation. B’nai Israel, Sacramento, CA; Congregation B’nai Israel, Northampton, MA; Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, NY, NY; Congregation Beth Am Israel; Congregation Beth Chaim, Princeton Junction, NJ; Congregation Beth El, South Orange, NJ; Congregation Beth El, Sudbury, MA; Congregation Beth Israel, West Hartford, CT; Congregation Beth Israel of Ocala, Ocala, FL; Congregation Beth Shalom, Carmichael, CA; Congregation Beth Shalom, Napa, CA; Congregation Dor Hadash, Pittsburgh, PA; Congregation Dorshei Tzedek,West Newton, MA; Congregation Habonim, New York, NY; Congregation Kol Ami, White Plains, NY; Congregation Kol HaNeshama, Sarasota, Florida; Congregation Mt Sinai, Brooklyn, NY; Congregation Netivot Shalom, Berkeley, CA; Congregation Ohav Shalom, Delmar; Congregation Ohev Shalom, Wallingford, PA; Congregation Or Chadash, Damascus, MD; Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York, NY; Congregation Sha'ar Zahav, San Francisco, CA; Congregation Tehillah, Bronx, NY; Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York, NY; Kehillat Israel, Pacific Palisades, CA; East Midwood Jewish Center, Brooklyn, NY; Emanuel Congregation, Chicago, IL; Kol Ami, Arlington, VA;Greenwich Reform Synagogue, Greenwich, CT; Havurah Shalom, Portland, OR; Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl, Baltimore, MD; IKAR, Los Angeles, CA;  Kehillat Israel, Pacific Palisades, CA; Jewish Collaborative of San Diego , San Diego, CA; Judea Reform Congregation, Durham, NC; Kadima Reconstructionist Community, Seattle, WA; Kehilla Community Synagogue, Piedmont, CA; Kehillah Synagogue, Chapel Hill, NC; Kehillat Chovevei Tzion, Setauket, NY; Kehillat Israel; Kehillat Israel Synagogue, Pacific Palisades, CA; Kol Ami of Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL; Kol Hai Hudson Valley Jewish Renewal, New Paltz, NY; Kol Tzedek Synagogue, Philadelphia, PA; Kolot Chayeinu / Voices of Our Lives, Brooklyn, NY; Lab/Shul, New York, NY; Leo Baeck Temple, Los Angeles, CA; Ma'yan Tikvah, Wayland, MA; Malibu Temple, Malibu, CA; Malkhut: Progressive Jewish Spirituality in Queens, NY; Mayim Rabim: The Reconstructionist Congregation of the Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN; Midway Jewish Center, Syosset, NY; Mount Zion Temple, St. Paul, MN; Nafshenu, Cherry Hill, NJ; North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation, Tahoe Vista, CA;  Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, VT; Or Emet, Minnesota Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, St. Paul, MN; Or Hadash: A Reconstructionist Congregation, Ft. Washington, PA; Or Shalom Jewish Community, San Francisco, CA; Oseh Shalom Synagogue, Laurel, MD;  Peninsula Sinai Congregation, CA; Romemu, New York, NY; Sha'ar Communities, Bergen County, NJ; Shaarei Shamayim, Madison, WI; Shomrei Torah: Wayne Conservative Congregation, Wayne, NJ;  Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, Washington, DC; Sutton Place Synagogue, New York, NY; Temple B'nai Brith of Somerville , MA; Temple Bat Yam, South Lake Tahoe, CA and Stateline, NV; Temple Beth El Aptos, Aptos, CA; Temple Beth Zion, Buffalo, NY; Temple Beth Zion, Brookline, MA; Temple Emanuel Sinai , Worcester, MA; Temple Emunah, Lexington, MA; Temple Hillel B'nai Torah, MA; Temple Isaiah, Lafayette, CA; Temple Isaiah, Los Angeles, CA; Temple Israel, Alameda, CA; Temple Israel Greenfield, Greenfield, MA; Temple Israel of Alameda, Alameda, CA; Temple Israel of Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA; Temple Kol Hamidbar, Sierra Vista, AZ; Temple Kol Tikvah, Woodland Hills, CA; Temple Micah, Washington, DC; Temple Sholom, Cincinnati, OH; Temple Sholom, New Milford, CT; Temple Sinai, Oakland, CA; Temple Sinai Brookline, Brookline, MA; The Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago, IL; The Birmingham Temple Congregation for Humanistic Judaism Farmington Hills, MI; The Conservative Synagogue of the Hamptons, Bridgehampton, NY; The Kitchen, San Francisco, CA; The Little Minyan Kehilah, Columbus, OH; The Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore, Manhasset, NY; The Reform Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY; Town & Village Synagogue, New York, NY; Washington Hebrew Congregation, Washington, DC; Woodstock Jewish Congregation, Woodstock, NY

Local Organizations

Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Community, Rockville, MD; Baltimore Jewish Cultural Chavurah, Baltimore, MD; Base DWTN, New York, NY; Camp Timbrel, Greensboro, NC; Greensboro Jewish Federation, Greensboro, NC; JCC of Greater Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; JCC of the East Bay, Berkeley and Oakland, CA; Jewfolk, Inc., Minneapolis, MN ; Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, Boston, MA; Jewish Center for Justice, Washington DC, CA; Jewish Enrichment Center, Chicago, IL; Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay, Berkeley, CA; Jewish Family Service of San Diego, San Diego, CA; Jewish Federation of Lane County, Jewish Community Relations Council Eugene, OR; Jewish History Museum, Tucson, AZ; Jewish Kids, Athens, OH; Jewish LearningWorks, San Francisco, CA; Jewish Public Affairs Committee of CA, CA; Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, NY, New York; Jews United for Justice Washington, DC and MD; Kahal Am - The Humanistic Jewish Community of San Diego, San Diego, CA; Kavana, Seattle, WA; National Council of Jewish Women Contra Costa Section, Walnut Creek, CA; National Council of Jewish Women, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Rossmoor Jewish Community Chorus, Walnut Creek, CA; SAJ: Judaism that Stands for All, NY, NY; Student Board of the Hillel at Yale University, New Haven, CT; Temple Emanu-El of Utica, Utica, New York; Tikkun Olam Chavurah, Philadelphia, PA; Sacramento Jewish Community Relations Council, Sacramento, CA; A Traveling Yeshiva Sideshow, Los Angeles, CA Arizona Jews for Justice, Phoenix, AZ Asiyah Jewish Community, Somerville, MA; Carolina Jews for Justice, NC; Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition, New York, NY; Hitoreri: An Orthodox Movement for Social Change, New York, NY; Jewish Community Action, St. Paul, MN; Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, Chicago, IL; Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region, CA; Jews United for Democracy & Justice, Los angeles, CA; JustLOVE, Cincinnati, OH; Kehillah Jewish High School, Palo Alto, CA; KULANU, Los Angeles, CA; Marlene Meyerson JCC of Manhattan, New York, NY; Moishe Kavod House, Boston, MA; National Council of Jewish Women Long Beach, Long Beach, CA; National Council of Jewish Women Sacramento, Sacramento, CA; Sacramento Area Congregations Together, Sacramento, CA; Sacramento Faces Race, Folsom, CA

National Organizations

ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal; American Jewish World Service; Association of Humanistic Rabbis; Association of Reform Jewish Educators; Avodah; Congress Of Secular Jewish Organizations; Habonim Dror North America; Hadar Institute; Hebrew College; HIAS; Jewish Veg; Jewish Voice for Peace; Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York; Judaism Unbound; Keshet; Men of Reform Judaism; Moving Traditions; OHALAH: The Association of Rabbis, Cantors, and Rabbinic Pastors for Jewish Renewal; National Council of Jewish Women; Network of Spiritual Progressives; Rabbinical Assembly; Reconstructing Judaism; Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; Right Now: Advocates for Asylum Seekers in Israel; Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom; Society for Humanistic Judaism; T'ruah; The Association for Successful Parenting The Shalom Center; Tikkun Magazine; Tivnu: Building Justice; Torah Trumps Hate; Uri L'Tzedek; YATOM: The Jewish Foster & Adoption Network