Our priorities for 2024 🗳️

Our priorities for 2024 🗳️

June 22, 2023

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In just over a week, Bend the Arc will close out our fiscal year. If you’re not familiar with nonprofit-speak, this means we close our books in June instead of December — so now is the time to close any gaps left in our budget.

Most organizations raise a significant portion of their budget in the last few weeks of their fiscal year, and we’re no different. We’re close to reaching our goal, but we’re still short.

We build our budget based on what we raised in the previous year. As we move into the 2024 presidential election season, raising the resources to support our ambitious goals is crucial — and we need your help to get there.

There’s so much at stake in 2024 — we’ve got a lot of work to do. In order to win on our biggest priorities (more on that below!), we need to be able to budget for them.

If we don’t reach our goal for this year, we begin this crucial next year with a smaller budget. But I know that with your support, we can reach our goal.

We’re looking to raise $10,000 from grassroots donors by midnight on June 30. Can you give a gift of $18 today to help us get there?

Jamie Beran
CEO, Bend the Arc

Our priorities for 2024:

There’s so much at stake next year — the White House and Congress, our vision for community safety and racial justice, LGBTQ rights, reproductive freedom, and more. Your gift today gives us critical resources for the fights to come!

  1. Strengthen our Erev Rav — our mixed multitude of Jews and allies organizing locally and nationally against fascism and white supremacy.

  2. Support progressive leaders who champion a pro-Black vision for our future, in our communities and at the ballot box.

  3. Rise up in solidarity with all who are threatened by the corrosive forces of antisemitism, white supremacy, and racism that are used to divide us.

  4. Build the safe and free communities we all deserve and a multiracial democracy where future generations can thrive.