I wanted to make sure you saw this new Passover offering from Bend the Arc: Four Questions, and Answers from the Future, a future-focused take on the Four Questions we ask at the Seder.
It’s a gift for our community — you — as we enter this season of liberation and recenter ourselves in our fight for justice. Download your free resource here.
This weekend, as Passover approaches, Jews all over the world will begin cleaning: clearing out chametz, making room to honor the traditions of the Seder, and moving from the mundane to the holy. As I clean, I’ll be thinking about how our Passover rituals — everything from cleaning to the search for the afikomen at the end of the Seder — connect me to my ancestors and to future generations.
When I begin my Seder with loved ones on Monday night, I’ll be bringing those ancestors and future generations into the room with me and sharing this resource. At my Seder table, we’ll reflect on what we must clean out to make room for new possibilities, traditions, and connection. We’ll reflect on how to confront the harms planned for us, and planned for others, sometimes in our name. And we’ll hear not only from our ancestors but also from our descendants — our future selves — reaching us from the joyful world we helped create.
I hope you’ll join me in bringing Four Questions, and Answers from the Future to your Seder this year, as you tell the story of our journey to freedom and reflect on the liberated future we’re building for the next generation.
Towards freedom,
Enzi Tanner
Training and Content Manager, Bend the Arc
Four Questions, and Answers from the Future art by Gaby FeBland