Trump's Pardon of Joe Arpaio Puts his Political Allies "Above the Law"

Trump's Pardon of Joe Arpaio Puts his Political Allies "Above the Law"

August 28, 2017

Press Contact: 

Elliot Levy

Press Contact


[email protected]

Release Date: Monday, August 28, 2017


Following President Trump’s decision to issue a pardon to Joe Arpaio, the former Sheriff of Maricopa County, Az., Jonathan Lipman, Chief Strategy Officer for Bend the Arc Jewish Action, released the following statement:

"President Trump’s pardon of the notorious, criminally racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio sends the American people two clear, unmistakable messages. The first is that, under the Trump Administration, prominent supporters of the president are above the law and will not face legal consequences for their violations of federal statutes. This sort of free pass for political allies is a hallmark of authoritarian governments and represents a total lack of respect for the rule of law.

The second message is that, despite whatever mealy-mouthed condemnations the president has made over the past weeks, hatred and white supremacy aren’t just okay, they’re something to be proud of. In their statement on the pardon, the White House cited Joe Arpaio’s “admirable service” to our nation. This is man who proudly ran a jail that he described as a “concentration camp,” who routinely and wantonly violated the rights of Latino Americans and urged others to do the same, and who was a leading propagator of the shameful “birther” lie against President Obama—yet another distinction he shares with President Trump.

The list of Joe Arpaio’s disgustingly racist, hateful and downright cruel actions is almost unfathomably long. By issuing this pardon and framing it in this light, the Trump White House makes certain that they approve and condone every single one of them.

We unite in solidarity with our immigrant and Latino allies across the country in this time of immense pain, frustration and injustice for them. We will continue to loudly resist any efforts by the Trump administration to oppress our immigrant communities, including his reported plans to end the DACA program, and flout the respect for democratic principles that Jewish Americans hold dear.”