We Will Continue to Be Jewish. We Will Continue To Have Each Other's Backs.

We Will Continue to Be Jewish. We Will Continue To Have Each Other's Backs.

December 30, 2019

Our hearts are heavy as we prepare to close this year with the victims in Monsey on our minds and in our prayers.

It can feel complicated to hold the victories of this past year — and the potential of what we will build together in the year to come — alongside the constant heartbreak our communities are forced to navigate. And yet, somehow, we do. Because we must, and because the work ahead of us is so important.

We know that the horrific uptick in antisemitic incidents and hate crimes of all kinds over the past few years is no accident. The Trump administration and its allies within and outside of Congress — including blatant white supremacists, white nationalists, and antisemites — want us to be afraid. They seek to divide us from each other to further their agenda of making this country only for themselves.

We can’t let that happen. We will continue to have each other’s backs as we build an America where we all belong — no matter our race, or our religion, or how long we’ve been here.

With just two days left in this year, we know that big challenges are ahead in 2020. And we know we are going to keep showing up, with courage and resilience, more fiercely than we ever have before. But the reality is that as we close this year, we also urgently need more resources to support our work in this critical election year. With less than 36 hours to go, we’re still $25,838 away from where we need to be to close out this year.

Donate now to power the Jewish resistance: your gift will help ensure that we’re equipped to overcome the forces of bigotry and fear next year.

In strength and love,

The Bend the Arc Team