Bend the Arc responds to the election of Donald Trump

Bend the Arc responds to the election of Donald Trump

November 06, 2024

As Jews, we know that for millennia our ancestors have lived under governments that ranged from friendly to hostile; from welcoming to brutal. We have not only learned how to survive, but developed the tools to thrive, to be there for each other’s safety, and to experience the joys of life under any circumstance. Our partners and allies share these histories, sometimes even under the same governments, and have brought with them their tools of resilience.

That’s why Bend the Arc works in solidarity. Not just because it feels good (it does). Not just because it’s the right thing to do (it is). But because that’s how we keep ourselves safe. We’ve prepared for this moment since we were founded over 10 years ago as the first Jewish organization focused on domestic priorities.

We were also the first Jewish organization to sound the alarm about Trump’s racist, antisemitic, xenophobic campaign in 2015. We had seen this before. We recognized the growing movement of fascism and white nationalism. It is with that confidence that we say: Despair and division are fascism’s building blocks. Despair can freeze us in our place — so fascists fan it. Division can turn our powerful “many,” organizing together, into a cornered “few,” lost in isolation — so fascists feed it.

We won’t fall for their tactics.

We often ask our community to sign on to pledges. But in this moment, we’re making a pledge to you:

  • We will keep you connected to the national movements we are part of that have worked for generations to build a country with freedom and safety for all of us. We rise together as many, not a cornered few.
  • We will ground this struggle in our powerful traditions by wrestling with challenging questions, having the hard conversations required to build transformative coalitions, and unearthing the courage we’ll need to take meaningful action together.
  • We will use the state and local power we’ve built together during this election — having reached out to nearly 1.5 million voters to successfully defeat Republicans in most of our endorsed Congressional races — to protect our families, futures, and freedoms.