Hi neighbor, can you join the NJ launch of Turn Congress 180?

Hi neighbor, can you join the NJ launch of Turn Congress 180?

July 27, 2017

My name is Deana. I’ve lived in New Jersey nearly my whole life.

When Bend the Arc asked for a leader to run a Turn Congress 180 campaign to hold Rep. Frelinghuysen accountable, I stepped up.

A little bit about me: Growing up, I spent summers at the Jersey Shore. Before I retired, I was a speech pathologist and helped organize teachers as part of my local, the county’s and state’s Educational Association. I’m a proud member of Temple Emanuel and Bend the Arc.

A little bit about Rep. Frelinghuysen: His voting record is totally aligned with Donald Trump. He puts party over people. He has been a hindrance to good governance for Morris County and New Jersey for years.

Now I’m helping organize the Jewish Resistance. Next week, on Wednesday, August 2nd at 7:30pm, I’m inviting fellow progressive Jews, as well as my friends and neighbors in New Jersey, to my home to launch our Turn Congress 180 campaign to hold Rep. Frelinghuysen accountable. I would love for you to join us.

RSVP to join the Turn Congress 180 organizing meeting in Somerset, NJ at my house on August 2nd.

At the meeting, we’ll spend time getting to know our neighbors who are interested in getting organized to hold Republicans accountable. Then volunteer roles will be up for grabs for specific tasks that will be explained at the meeting.

My hope is that my neighbors in New Jersey, and the people in this country, will not allow the government to be torn down by the GOP and Trump and his family. We as Jews, of all people, need to see that the actions of Trump and Congress are bringing us back to a dark age — we know what it’s like to be persecuted and to live in dark times.

Sometimes I think, “Maybe I should move to Canada or Australia.” But my children and grandchildren, who are more important to me than anything in the world, all live in New Jersey. So I’m going to stay and fight for a New Jersey that lives up to Jewish and American values.

I hope you can join us for the organizing meeting at my home in Somerset on August 2nd.

In solidarity,

Deana Luchs